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Monday, March 21, 2011

Executive Portraits- a cooler hipper more connecting style

Warren Newton, Executive Portrait

People (not as in "the amerikun peeepul", here- we're not making a polidikull speech) generally think of their executive portrait, their corporate headshot, their work photo, their most irritating event of the month picture, as nothing more than an incrementally little baby step up from a passport picture.
And it's only gonna say, "Let me in your country, can't you see I have a state issued Visa here?" or even more, "damn this thorn in my foot is really starting to throb, I think it's infected, it feels like it looks like Curt Shilling's (now in the Baseball Hall of Fame) bloody sock, say, can you spare some tweezers?"

Bloody Sock/Corporate Portrait
Frontal Lobotomy/Executive Photograph
I'd Really Rather Have Cosmetic Dentistry/Company Picture

NOT no way, no more-
Hey, what if your portrait was actually fun, cool and it ended up conveying who you really are (or think you ought to be) and it actually helps make the first connection for your next business deal and all that future income, maybe even laying the foundation for a great long term business partnership where you and your new client get together every spring break and fish together off Punta Negra for Hemingway sized Black Marlin?
And they pay? And you get the bonus, the fish and the BIG signing award?

And what if you could also use that "corporate headshot" as your main photo on Match.com and connect with all those right people?
And your mum wants a printed and polished pewter framed 11x14 copy for Christmas?
And, when asked for a new picture for your South Dakota DL, you proffer "the dreaded headshot"? Can I please use this one?
Well, NIAO it can be FUN, cool, hip, painless and it will reflect all that and get you the open doors, the connections, the friends, the deals, the awards, the income you want.

Guaranteed! (unabashedly extracted from late night tv's, "stop eating so much and win allies" campaign-3.2 hours or 100 feet)

Hold up to the screen now, in your right hand, a 4x6 print of your present executive headshot and eyeball it against the WICK BEAVERS corporate portrait below.
No corporate portrait?
Open up your wallet and hold up your Driver's License:

Who is more fun? Honestly.

Who is the person you more want to meet? Honestly.

Who would you rather meet- for an hour in a bank, a law office, a shareholder's meeting? Honestly.


If you used to think your corporate portrait sounded like less fun than Curt Shilling's sock, then we need to talk- and shoot your next portrait.

It will open doors and help make deals.

Like I said- Guaranteed!
Unlike no other.

Warren Newton- Mr Miami, Man of Steel or Chief Dealmaker to be?
A cool portrait no matter how you slice it.

Better than most for a look at my work.
Great week!

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